Yes my friends, in a twinkle of an eye, tomorrow is actually February.
I remember when I was a child, I couldn't wait for the days to pass by......I couldn't wait to grow up, I couldn't wait to step into the real world, I couldn't wait to break free from Mummy & Daddy's protective love........but today that very same girl prays that her days will not go by so quickly & sometimes wishes she could run back to her mummy n daddy and just be their baby girl....and Freeze the moment.
.... F
.... R
.... E
.... E
.... Z
.... E
Breathe in, breathe out.
{Sharon is in her rambling mood....LOL}
It is no coincidence that my word for 2011 is TRUST. I sometimes forget that I'm not superwoman, just an ordinary girl with an extraordinary calling. I cannot control every situation, I can only Trust that HE is. Trusting is believing that HIS plans is much greater than mine, I'm only the co-pilot....but you see knowing is one thing, having to apply it in my life..............sigh~now thats my struggle.
January Highlights:
- Lovely anniversary celebration
- Enjoyed the beach twice
- Made some sales @ Greeen Bananas
January Lowlights:
- Jan 24th :: Explosion of a dark secret
- Ran out of $$ before payday. (oh dear)
The cherry of the icing is, don't take struggles too comes and goes in all different shapes and sizes, trying to distract us, making us lose focus. But when our eyes is fixed on the right source, our journey becomes a breeze and knowing fully that at every hurdle, we're getting closer to our destination.
May you enjoy your Journey.
With Love,